Paying for Classes

Each semester, you should ensure that you’ve secured financial aid or paid any balance prior to the payment deadline. Without payment, your enrollment in classes will be cancelled (dropped).

Early vs. late registration payment deadlines:

Each semester, you’ll see two payment deadlines on the calendar . The first deadline is for early registration/payment. If you’ve registered for classes, but not settled your balance by this date, your enrollment in classes will be cancelled, but you will have the opportunity to re-register for any classes that are still available.

If you haven’t settled your balance before the second payment deadline has passed, your enrollment in classes will be cancelled, and you will not be able to re-register for that semester/session.

Financial Aid:

If you’ve applied for financial aid, you should check your application and ensure that you’ve submitted all the necessary documents in order for your application to be processed. If there are documents missing from your financial aid application, please submit them electronically by creating an account at . ( NOTE: You will need to verify your account via email as soon as your account at is created.)

If you’ve already received notification that you’re a financial aid recipient, you will need to accept your award. If you do not accept your award prior to the payment deadline, your award will not be applied to your account and your enrollment in classes may be cancelled.

After accepting your awards, review your student account details in SWORDS to make sure your financial aid has been applied to the balance at the bottom of your bill.


If you are not using financial aid, or have a balance that is not fully covered by financial aid, you will need to pay your balance in full or establish a payment plan through the Bursar’s Office.

More information:

If you have questions about paying for classes, please visit:

Or contact the Enrollment Support Team:

  • 478.471.2700