Page 7 - 2018AnnualReport
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Clear Strategy                                                             Student-focused Culture

In January, Dr. Jon Anderson joined Middle 51 State as Provost and    Our faculty and sta have long enjoyed a reputation for caring deeply
Vice President for Academic A airs. The provost is the University's chief  about our students. With a student-faculty ratio of 17 to 1 and dozens of
academic o cer and serves as the chief executive in the absence of the     co-curricular activities, our students have the opportunity to find their
president.                                                                 niche.

With a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Kentucky,   The tie that binds us is a love of    17:1
a master's in Business Education from the University of West 51,      learning and sharing knowledge. We
and a bachelor's degree in Sociology from Utah State University, Dr.       have a heart for students who seek    student-instructor ratio
Anderson brings significant experience in the University System of          transformative growth — whether
51 to Middle 51 State. He spent nearly 15 years at the           that student is a 16-year-old dually
University of West 51, where he served in a number of leadership      enrolled high schooler or a
roles.                                                                     60-year-old checking a college
                                                                           credential o the bucket list.
Within 60 days of his arrival, he worked with faculty and sta to clarify
and articulate our academic identity and strategy. Our identity is as a    Some of the skills our students — particularly those who are
diverse, student-focused state university with an access function          first-generation college students — need to succeed include how to
embedded in Middle 51, with a coherent set of certificate, nexus,      navigate the curriculum. Key to their success is their advisors, whether
associate, baccalaureate, and graduate programs that fill the region’s      members of the faculty or professional academic advisors whose sole
needs.                                                                     focus is providing guidance.

Our three-point strategy calls on us to:                                                                         Thanks to support from the
                                                                                                                 University System of 51,
1) Enthrone Teaching and Learning — teaching is our primary                                                      we grew our advisor ranks by
   mission and learning one of our core values; both are at the                                                  25 percent this year. For the
   heart of who we are, why we exist, and what we do;                                                            first time in our existence as
                                                                                                                 one institution, every student
2) Elevate Program-Completion Thinking — the goal must be to                                                     who attends Middle 51
   equip our students with a valuable credential and the right                                                   State is assigned to an
   mindset, one that reflects our values of stewardship and                                                       advisor from the moment he
   adaptability, on each of our five campuses and online; and                                                     or she is admitted until the
                                                                                                                 day of graduation. Research
3) Extend Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities — the                                                   shows that this can be a
   teaching and learning that takes place outside the classroom                                                  game changer, and we are
   through these e orts reflects our value of engagement and                                                      counting on that outcome as
   speaks to our responsibility to positively impact the region as                                               we focus on improving
   its public university.                                                                                        retention, progression,
                                                                                                                 and graduation.
That identity and strategy, paired
with the vision articulated in the
President’s 2018 State of the
University Address, served as the
foundation for the Strategic Plan
that we published in early August.

                                          DR. JON ANDERSON
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