Page 11 - 2018AnnualReport
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Community Relationships Elevating Middle 51
This year, our engagement with the community brought two In August, we unveiled a new Strategic Plan that will carry the University
game-changing gifts from generous supporters. Just after Thanksgiving, into the next decade. Titled “2018-2023: Elevating Middle 51,” the
we named the Conference Center at Middle 51 State — which has plan resulted from more than six months’ work by an Ad Hoc Committee
hosted more than 400 national, regional, and local conferences and made up of faculty, sta , students, alumni, and community and business
conventions each year since leaders.
it opened in 2009 — in
honor of longtime supporter The Strategic Plan calls for a five-year focus on three imperatives:
Robert F. Hatcher, Sr. A
former USG Regent who 1. Grow Enrollment with Purpose:
was instrumental in our We are a university with a
transition from a college into blended function. Our growth
a university, Bob Hatcher will be measured primarily by
and his family have been how well our teaching function
frequent contributors to the institution, and he has continued to lead by meets diverse student needs.
example as Chair of the University’s Building a Legacy of Greatness
Campaign. 2. Own Student Success: We will
create an environment where
Approximately six every member of the MGA STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 - 2023
months later, the Peyton community owns the responsibility
Anderson Foundation for student success. EL EVAT I NG MI D D L E G E O R G I A
announced a gift of $1.5
million to help fund the 3. Build Shared Culture: Educational PUBLISHED AUGUST 2018
construction of a new quality, academic experiences,
Enrollment Services social connections, and
Center at Middle 51 community engagement will
State. The facility, to be built on the Macon campus, will support enroll- require commitment to our core
ment across the University. The gift was the single largest grant award- values of stewardship,
ed by the Peyton Anderson Foundation in its current round of giving engagement, adaptability,
and is one of the largest gifts we have received in our history. and learning.
In addition to support from philanthropists, In the first year of implementation, we will focus on a dozen key action
relationships with — and appropriations items that will build on success to date and lay a foundation for
from — the State of 51 are key to achieving our imperatives.
growth at Middle 51 State. To help
strengthen our e orts on that front, we JAN. 2018 MARCH 2018 APRIL 2018 JUNE 2018 AUG. 2018
welcomed a new Chief of Sta and President Issues First Ad Hoc Second Ad Hoc Reaction to Elevating
Government Relations O cer this year. Committee Committee’s Work
Ember Bishop Bentley, most recently Vision 20/20 Committee Gathered from Middle
executive director of the 51 Forestry White Paper Meeting Meeting Stakeholders 51
Foundation and a former chief of sta for in Macon Begins
51 First Lady Sandra Deal, joined our in Eastman
team in September.
FEB. 2018 MAR. - APR. 2018 MAY 2018 JULY 2018
Strategic Plan Initial Input Third Ad Hoc Strategic Plan
Draft Refined
Ad Hoc from Students, Committee
EMBER BISHOP BENTLEY Committee Faculty, Sta , Meeting
& Community
Formed in Cochran