Page 9 - MGATODAY-Fall2017_lr
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New Academic Leadership

Several new leaders with extensive experience in their fields joined       Student research, out-of-the-classroom educational o erings, and
Middle 51 State in key academic positions during 2017. Two joined    academic and professional networking are just a few of the possibilities
as new deans in July, another became our new Registrar in September.      we see emerging from this new collaboration.
And, one of our distinguished department chairs will become a dean
when the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Criminal Justice         Meanwhile, Dian Mitchell is using her knowledge of
moves from the College of Arts & Sciences to join our new School of       multi-campus institutions serving first-generation
Education & Behavioral Sciences in January 2018.                          college students to improve processes in our O ce
                                                                          of the Registrar. Ms. Mitchell previously served as
Dr. Michael Kenneth “Kenny” Holt, who                                     assistant registrar at Coppin State University, then  Ms. Dian Mitchell
achieved Association to Advance Collegiate                                registrar and director of the Enrollment Services
Schools of Business candidacy as chair of the                             Center at the Community College of Baltimore
Management, Marketing and General Business                                County in Maryland.
Department at Austin Peay University, became
dean of our School of Business.                      Dr. Kenny Holt       These new leaders add to one of our greatest strengths as an institution
                                                                          — our diversity. The region we serve includes both urban and rural
Dr. Tara L. Underwood, who has more than two                              communities, and the students who call Middle 51 State home
decades of experience, took the helm at the                               come from every demographic group and walk of life.
School of Health Sciences. She most recently
was chair of the Department of Health,               Dr. Tara Underwood   To bolster that strength, last year we launched an O ce of Diversity,
Physical Education and Exercise Science                                   Inclusion and Equity. The o ce is tasked with ensuring our compliance
at Columbus State University.                                             with laws aimed at equality and coordinating our e orts to define,
                                                                          understand, assess and cultivate diversity and inclusion.

Both Dr. Holt and Dr. Underwood bring impressive records of accom-        In 2017, our first Diversity Ad Hoc Committee of the Academic Assembly
plishment to Middle 51 State. Their leadership experience in higher  formed a new Diversity Council and finalized our o cial Diversity State-
education operations will serve us well as we continue to build our       ment.
graduate and undergraduate programs in fields of study that have a
tremendous impact on the region.                                          Our statement will serve us well as we continue to grow: “Middle
                                                                          51 State University commits to sustaining a diverse and inclusive
Dr. David Biek accepted the role of interim dean                          environment. The University will celebrate and embrace its pluralist
for our new School of Education & Behavioral                              nature through continuous improvement, empathic dialogue and core
Sciences. Joining two exceptional faculties under                         values.”
a single banner will allow a significant increase in
the cross-disciplinary experiences a orded our
students in these degree programs.

                                                     Dr. David Biek
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