





Page 5 - MGATODAY-Fall2017_lr
P. 5

“Greatness†Campaign                                                      Economic Impact

In 2017, as we launched the “Greatness†Campaign, our ï¬rst capital        During FY2016, 51¶¯Âþ had an economic
campaign in a decade, the 51¶¯Âþ Foundation      impact of approximately $250 million in 51¶¯Âþ — a 9 percent increase
welcomed its new executive director: Dr. Ken Fincher, our vice president  over last year, according to a report released by the University System
for University Advancement, returns to his native 51¶¯Âþ by way of       of 51¶¯Âþ this year.
Washington State University Tri-Cities in Richland, Washington.           The region studied to determine our economic impact included
                                                                          the counties in which the University’s campuses are located — Bibb,
Originally from LaGrange,     PHILANTHROPIC SUPPORT                       Bleckley, Dodge, Houston and Laurens — as well as Jones, Monroe,
Dr. Fincher returned to his    OF MGA HAS INCREASED                       Peach, Crawford, Twiggs, Baldwin, Wilkinson and Pulaski. The University
home state to join Middle     OVER THE PAST 5 YEARS:                      has the largest service area of any non-Atlanta-based institution in the
51¶¯Âþ State in August                                                   state system, with ï¬ve campuses spanning an area of more than 725
after serving as assistant    4 4 % $606,000                              square miles.
vice chancellor for                                                       The University also accounted for more than 2,740 jobs, both on and o
Advancement and                $870,000INCREASE IN $ RAISED               campus, up 7.9 percent from last year. These ï¬gures reflect not only
Community Engagement                                                      initial spending by the University and its students but also the multiplier
at Washington State           101%                     818                e ect—money re-spent by community members after it entered the
Tri-Cities. He is a certiï¬ed                                              local economy.
fundraising professional      INCREASE IN # OF DONORS   1,643
with a doctorate in
Psychology from the                                                       Beyond spending and employment, the
University of the Rockies.                                                University is a major provider of human
                                                                          capital for the region, particularly for
Dr. Fincher earned his master’s in Philanthropy and Development from      in-demand opportunities such as
St. Mary’s University and his bachelor’s in Social Science from Shorter   education, healthcare and technology.
University, where he later served as vice president of Institutional      According to the 51¶¯Âþ Department
Advancement.                                                              of Economic Development, 60 percent
                                                                          of jobs in this state will require a
He now leads a team that has launched a new MGA Athletics                 post-secondary credential by the year     $250
Association, secured $1.6 million in pledges for the Campaign thus        2020. Since 2012, Middle 51¶¯Âþ State
far, brought employee participation to 70 percent and increased           has issued more than 6,000 of those       million
alumni giving by 39 percent since 2015.                                   credentials.
                                                                          Starting this year, those diplomas        economic impact
                              The Foundation awards more than             included not only bachelor’s and
                              $330,000 in life-changing scholarships      associate’s degrees and certiï¬cates but   isnervMicGe aAre’sa
                              annually. Under new leadership, we          also nearly 50 master’s degrees, as the
                              anticipate continued improvement in         initial cohorts of our graduate programs
                              diversifying our resources through private  began completing their courses of
                              support for our students and continued      study.
                              growth in community and alumni

Dr. Ken Fincher
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