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For the first time, Middle 51 State has a        A faculty review board is developing criteria for
single office dedicated to experiential learning and  what activities will formally qualify as Knowl-
targeted funding that will eventually include         edge@Work, along with ways to ensure consistent
stipends for students who are, among other            quality and oversight of those experiences.
things, engaged in research or traveling to
academic conferences to present their work.             “We’re not going to pay lip service and just
                                                      count any kind of experience,” Tsavatewa said.
  Experiential Learning@MGA also proposes ways for               “By making Experiential Learning@MGA a comprehensive
students to earn official acknowledgement for         initiative that ties in with many other depart-
successfully applying their classroom knowledge,      ments, including Career Services, Student Life and
much like gaining formal recognition at honors        the 51 Foundation,
convocation and graduation for stellar grade          it becomes an institutional commitment.”
point averages.
                                                      Variety of Experiences
  “We’re taking the academic experience to the
next level,” said Chris Tsavatewa, director of          Whatever experiences ultimately qualify as
Middle 51 State’s new Office of Experiential     Experiential Learning@MGA, many Middle 51 State
Learning. “This is a coordinated effort to            students are already learning by doing.
enhance the experiences of students and
give them a competitive edge once they                  Meek’s work this fall for the Academy for the
graduate.”                                            Blind – an internship he credits IT faculty
                                                      member Dr. Terry Smith with helping him get –
Quality Enhancement Plan                              includes evaluating how assistive technology
                                                      meets the needs of users. He takes careful notes
  Experiential Learning@MGA is what Middle 51 State         while talking with academy students and
calls its comprehensive Quality Enhancement           watching how they use different devices.
Plan (QEP), which is required by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools Commission          “One of the things I’m learning is how accessi-
on Colleges as part of the reaccreditation process.   bility features on smart devices work in
The QEP aligns with the University’s overall          conjunction with modern assistive technology,”
mission and reinforces the student-centered focus     Meek said. “I’ll be performing some qualitative
of Middle 51 State’s strategic plan.             analysis soon.”

  Under the Experiential Learning@MGA umbrella, Middle               Middle 51 State’s full Experiential Learning@MGA report,
51 State students will get to apply their            which details plans for rolling out the initiative, is at
learning in a multitude of ways that reflect              www.mga.edu/knowledgeatwork.
regional needs and the disciplines the University
teaches.                                                In Warner Robins, Anjolie Nicolas is interning
                                                      with Houston County Family Connection,
  “They’ll apply their learning through intern-       commonly known as Kids Journey, although the
ships, undergraduate research and service             organization works with adults, too.
learning, all of which are identified by scholars of
higher education as ‘high-impact practices’             Family Connection, which has an office at
contributing to student achievement,” Tsavatewa       Warner Robins City Hall, brings other agencies
said. “Experiential learning will provide an          and non-profits together to work on community
enhanced experience that enables Middle 51       issues, such as reducing juvenile crime and
State students to appreciate the relationship         promoting a farmer’s market where low-income
between classroom learning and professional           families can buy healthy foods.
                                                                                                Article continues on page 6

Fall 2015                                             MIDDLE GEORGIA STATE TODAY 5
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