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Thinking Big Our First Semester as a University
N early six decades ago, famed author we further develop our goals and address our
David Schwartz published a book challenges, we must continue to think big in
entitled The Magic of Big Thinking. terms of both opportunity and scope, as well as
Since then, countless experts have extolled the bigger University enrollment, resources and
virtues of setting goals high, and thinking outcomes.
positively to achieve them. Last year, The Think
Big Manifesto highlighted four strategies to Big thinking is more than a management
expand horizons: 1) get comfortable with catch-phrase. It is emblematic of what it means
discomfort, 2) find supportive colleagues, 3) set to be a University and I could not be more
the right kind of goals, and 4) become the pleased with our progress thus far.
person others want to help.
Christopher Blake, Ph.D.
In our first semester as a University, I am President
pleased to say that we are doing all of the above.
Over the past several months, we have continued
adapting to change – the only constant in today’s
higher education landscape. Through our
Strategic Plan, we are setting the right kind of
goals. And by evaluating our current practices
with our accreditors at SACS-COC and a
number of national professional associations, we
are building on our strengths.
We have found supportive colleagues, not only
amongst ourselves, but in our communities.
From our first homecoming to a successful
Foundation gala, from new collaborations such
as our STEM partnership with the Museum of
Aviation to expansion of our Aviation programs
to Macon-Bibb County, from bringing
graduation to campus to the launch of our
Experiential Learning@MGA experiential learning Quality
Enhancement Plan – we are becoming an
institution others want to help.
We are in the process of holding town hall
meetings across the region, to hear from our
communities, as well as faculty, staff and
students regarding their aspirations for Middle
51¶¯Âþ State. One of our key aspirations is the
delivery of graduate programs – beginning with
master’s degrees in Information Technology and
Nursing – beginning as early as January 2016. As