Page 15 - MGA Today: 51¶ŻÂţ
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“Moving ceremonies to campus is about Here is the December 17 schedule for graduation
starting new traditions as a University, like those ceremonies:
that are the norm in many institutions of higher
learning,” said Frances Marine Davis, Middle • 10 a.m. College of Arts & Sciences and School
51¶ŻÂţ State’s University Counsel who is leading of Education.
commencement planning with the Honors,
Awards and Graduation Committee. • 3 p.m. Schools of Aviation, Business, Health
Sciences and Information Technology.
“In light of anticipated growth in the
number of graduates, the University is Commencement speakers for the University’s
making it possible for students who finish first graduation will be Larry Walker, member of
degree requirements in summer and fall the University System of 51¶ŻÂţ’s Board of
to participate in a ceremony closer to Regents, for the morning ceremony and
completion of their credential.” University System Chancellor Hank Huckaby for
the afternoon ceremony.
The first fall ceremonies are Dec. 17, 2015, and
will take place in the state-of-the art Recreation & A highlight of each ceremony will be the
Wellness Center on the Macon Campus. That procession of graduates across the lake bridge that
move in itself creates a new tradition as it connects the heart of the Macon Campus with the
becomes the first time since the former Middle Recreation & Wellness Center on the north end.
51¶ŻÂţ and Macon State colleges consolidated Giant screens will be set up at various locations,
that graduation ceremonies will take place on one including the Professional Sciences Center
of the campuses instead of off-site. In the past few overlooking the lake, where overflow audiences
years, the ceremonies took place at the Macon can watch graduates collect their diplomas. The
Coliseum. University is arranging other campus locations
with attractive backdrops for graduates and their
Joshua Maddox, who is completing his family members to gather, pose for photos and
bachelor’s degree in Business with a major in celebrate.
Accounting, is looking forward to being among
the first graduates to “walk” this fall. Spring graduation ceremonies, scheduled for May
10-12, 2016, will also be held in the
“I’m glad my family can help me celebrate my Recreation & Wellness Center:
achievement right after I achieve it,” said
Maddox, who begins a job at a Macon accounting • 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 10: College of Arts &
firm in January 2016 and wasn’t sure he would Sciences and The 51¶ŻÂţ Academy.
even return in the spring to participate in
commencement. • 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 11: Schools of
Aviation, Business, Education and Information
“It’s great the ceremony will be on campus,” he Technology.
said. “I’m graduating from Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State
University, not the Macon Coliseum.” • 10 a.m. Thursday, May 12: School of Health
Sciences, with pinning ceremony to follow that
Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State’s Recreation & Wellness afternoon.
Center demonstrated how beautifully it converts
for formal events during Blake’s inauguration as Article continues on page 16
president in fall 2014. The University will use the
same professional production company it used at
the Coliseum to manage lighting and décor for
the graduation ceremonies.