





Page 13 - MGA Today: 51¶¯Âþ
P. 13

By Bill Weaver

Tag Teaming on STEM

Middle 51¶¯Âþ State representatives Tyler Horne, far left, and Dr. Chris Hornung, far right, and members of the Museum of
Aviation’s Education Center staff are shown with a display table holding promotional materials the University’s marketing staff
created for the partnership. RENEE PEARMAN

W hen two organizations have similar goals,             Middle 51¶¯Âþ State is promoting STEM
          forming a partnership often proves that     education by developing materials available for
 the whole can be greater than the sum of its parts.  wide distribution that detail related careers,
    And so it is with the promotion of science,       museum program offerings and the RETP, with
 technology, engineering and math (STEM)              the purpose being to encourage high school
 education in the Middle 51¶¯Âþ region, as the       students in the Middle 51¶¯Âþ region to obtain
 Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins and              engineering degrees and help meet the workforce
 51¶¯Âþ are partnering to    needs of Robins Air Force Base. The idea is that if
 promote STEM careers.                                young students get excited about STEM topics
    Middle 51¶¯Âþ State has a number of paths        they may continue in college and eventually head
 students can take toward STEM-related                toward careers in fields such as aerospace
 occupations, which can be challenging and            engineering, applications programming or
 rewarding as they seek to address some of            information security.
 society’s more urgent issues. Students can earn
 degrees in areas such as mathematics, information      Engineering, math and technology education
 technology, biology or health sciences.              also is an initiative of the Education Center at the
    The University also participates in a program     Museum of Aviation, which is located near Robins
 offered by the University System Board of            Air Force Base. The Education Center conducts
 Regents, in which students interested in an          STEM- and history-focused programs in schools
 engineering degree may complete their first two      and at the museum. It makes sense for the
 years at Middle 51¶¯Âþ State, then transfer to      University to partner with the Museum, since
 51¶¯Âþ Tech to complete the degree. It’s called     Middle 51¶¯Âþ State has the state’s only public
 the Regents’ Engineering Transfer Program            School of Aviation. The museum reaches about
 (RETP).                                              50,000 students and teachers, ages pre-K to high
                                                      school, through its programs.

           Learn more about Middle 51¶¯Âþ State’s RETP at www.mga.edu/retp.

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