Knights Academy
Welcome to the Knights Academy, where we embark on a transformative journey to cultivate the virtues and skills essential for success in college and beyond. Inspired by our noble mascot, the Knight, we strive to instill in our students the qualities of a Modern Day Knight—resilient, motivated, purpose-driven individuals equipped to tackle the complex, sticky problems of modern life.
Calling all knights!
In today's rapidly evolving society, the challenges we face are multifaceted and complex, encompassing social, economic, environmental, and technological dimensions. Our world is marked by unprecedented connectivity and rapid technological advancements, yet it is also characterized by deep social divides, economic inequalities, environmental crises, and ethical dilemmas brought about by new technologies.
Our Mission
The Knights Academy is dedicated to nurturing a holistic approach to personal and academic growth. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to navigate the challenges of today's world. We believe that by embodying the virtues of a Knight—integrity, discipline, and resilience—you can become leaders and problem-solvers who make meaningful contributions to society.
At the Knights Academy, we are committed to guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and development. By embracing the spirit of the Modern Day Knight, you will be prepared to confront the complexities of contemporary life with courage, wisdom, and a steadfast commitment to making a positive impact. Join us in this noble quest to become the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow. To begin, complete a self-paced online quest below, or attend a Knights Academy Live event.
Knight's Journey
You may also want to develop your Knightly Virtues through the our interactive quests in the Knight’s Journey, click on the link below lo learn more about the Knight’s Journey.
We have prepared several quests for you in your journey to becoming an MGA Knight and eventually a Knight of Success.
If you are a Freshman, you have been assigned to an Academic Community. We recommend you begin your quests through the Academic Community. For others, you can request access to the Knights of Success portal to access the Knights Quest.
Successful Habits Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of how adopting successful habits during your academic journey will lead to better outcomes. Your task is to become familiar with the habits generally associated with highly effective people. Upon completion of this task, you will:
- understand how a pro-active approach is always best,
- understand how prioritizing the most important goals first allows you to accomplish more,
- understand how beginning with the end in mind allows you to identify a path towards goal completion,
- understand that seeking first to understand creates a positive relationship with team members,
- understand how win-win solutions lead to better cooperations,
- understand how working within each individual’s strengths lead to better outcomes, and
- understand how sharpening the saw will lead to greater success.
You will be asked to take the Habits Quest Challenge. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Successful Habits Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Motivation Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of the basic motivational theories and factors that can influence you while attending college. Your task is to become familiar with the information in this section. Upon completion, you should:
- understand how satisfying basic needs such as food, shelter, sleep, and safety will allow you to focus on your studies,
- understand how your interest and attitude towards a topic can determine your level of motivation,
- understand how the opinion of your family, friends, and other individuals affects your motivation towards college, and
- understand how your belief in your abilities and level of control can act as a motivator or de-motivator.
You will be asked to take the Motivation Quest Challenge. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Motivation Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Resilience Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of how important it is to bounce back from setbacks. As you stretch to learn new ideas and accomplish new goals, you will encounter challenges. While many of the challenges will overcome by you, some might win temporarily. Your task for this quest is to become familiar with the information in this sections on resilience. Upon completion you should:
- understand how motivation and self-determinism can help your turn a challenge into a success,
- understand how adopting an internal locus of control and a positive attitude may be two of your strongest tools,
- reinforce success with positive self-talk,
- understand how persistence and passion contribute to success, and
- understand how the 7 Cs of resilience can be used to help you overcome any challenge.
You are encouraged to take the Resilience Quest Challenge. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Resilience Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Study Skills Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of this collection of learning science techniques focused on study can help you earn better grades. Your task for this quest is to become familiar with the information in this section on study skills. Upon completion you should be able to:
- create practice exercises to reinforce retrieval of information,
- combine different examples to reinforce a topic or idea,
- switch between subjects while studying to reinforce connections between topics,
- convert and expand a topic or idea into your own words to confirm your understanding,
- resist the need to the cram for exams because you have spaced out your study, and
- use concrete examples to clearly understand the topic or idea.
You are encouraged to take the Study Quest Challenge. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Study Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Social Media Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of how important it is to validate information you read or watch in the media, including those posts commonly found in social media platforms. This challenge is made even more difficult with the ease at which fake news is generated by AI programs. Your task for this quest is to become familiar with the information in this section on Media. Upon completion you should:
- understand basic assumptions you may make about information found in media,
- understand the importance of validating information before sharing,
- understand the context and construction of the media,
- validate the credibility and corroborate the facts, and
- compare information with other sources to determine accuracy.
You are encouraged to take the Media Quest Challenge. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Media Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Econ Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of how economic decisions and relationships with money can influence your decisions, even your decision to remain in college. Your task for this quest is to become familiar with the information in this section on Economic Literacy. Upon completion you should:
- understand that the economy is not a zero-sum game, prosperity is available to everyone,
- understand the basic economy to interpret economic narratives,
- understand that humans are not always rational and often make decisions without a full awareness of the impact, and
- understand that our financial decisions are often influenced by subconscious beliefs formed in our childhood.
You are encouraged to take the Econ Quest Challenge. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Econ Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Career Quest
In this quest, you will gain a better understanding of how your education can help you prepare for your future career. You will have several tasks and opportunities to earn badges in this section. Your challenges are:
- enroll in the Stepping Blocks and complete the personality quiz,
- complete a LinkedIn profile,
- engage in career related discussions, and
- participate in career related events, research, and seminars.
When you successfully pass the challenge, the Skills Quest, Knowledge Quest, and Experience Quest badges will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Identity Quest
In this quest, you will embark on a Digital Storytelling activity to reflect on your successes, plot your path forward and find your purpose in life. The first part of this quest will focus on creating a storyboard to help you with your digital story. Your challenge tasks are:
- write your backstory,
- determine your goals,
- identify your supporting cast,
- find your plot, and
- develop your character.
Each of these activities will be completed in the Digital Storyboard discussion forum. You will be provided prompts along the way to help you shape your thoughts. When you successfully pass the challenge, the Identity Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.
Purpose Quest
In this quest, you will complete your Digital Storytelling activity by creating a digital story. The first part of this quest will combine your previous work completed in the Identity quest into a coherent story. By organizing your information into a story, you are ready to start building your digital story. Your challenge tasks are:
- review all material in this section to learn how to create a digital story,
- develop your story, and
- publish your story in the discussion forum.
When you successfully pass the challenge, the Purpose Quest Badge will be added to your Knights of Success pledge portfolio.