Questions & Concerns
Factors of race, national origin, color, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability are not considered in the admission or treatment of students or in employment. It is the intent of the institution to comply with all Federal and State laws and regulations related to nondiscrimination, including but not limited to: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent executive orders, as well as Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
MGA is committed to a student-friendly environment where everyone is treated with respect and student concerns are addressed by professionals who comply with all Federal, State, , and University regulations and . Any student who has a question, concern, or complaint should first address the matter with either a member of the graduate faculty or their Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC).
- The GPC for the graduate programs in Information Technology is Dr. Vicky Sandoval, who can be reached at or 478.471.2890.
- The GPC for the Doctor of Science in Public Safety is Dr. John Hall, who can be reached at or 334.391.4778.
- The GPC for graduate programs in Nursing is Dr. Kerry Garrett, who can be reached at or 478.929.6682.
- The Administrative Director for graduate programs in Business is the School of Business Dean, Dr. Marc Miller, who can be reached at or 478.471.2806.
- The GPC for the Master of Arts in Teaching is Dr. Sumitra Himangshu, who can be reached at or 478.757.2544.
- The GPC for graduate programs in Technical Writing, Creative Writing, and Teaching College Writing is Dr. Monica Miller, who can be reached at or 478.471.5799.
- The GPC for the Master of Arts in Public Relations and the Graduate Certificate in Strategic Business Communication is Dr. Andre Nicholson, who can be reached at or 478.471.5781.
- The GPC for the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy is Dr. Traci Swartz, who can be reached at or 678.653.2364.
Students are advised to make this initial contact by sending an email that contains a brief description of the question, concern, or complaint. If the initial request for a solution is not satisfactory, or if a student believes that the issue is not appropriate for consultation with a faculty member or the GPC, the student should contact the school dean.
- The Dean for the School of Arts and Letters is Dr. Mary Wearn, who can be reached at 478.471.2490
- The Dean for the School of Computing is Dr. Alex Koohang, who can be reached at 478.471.2801
- The Dean for the School of Health and Natural Sciences is Dr. Tara Underwood, who can be reached at 478. 471.2734
- The Dean for the School of Business is Dr. Marc Miller, who can be reached at 478.757.2824.
The Dean for the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences is Dr. David Biek, who can be reached at 478.757.2544
Students may contact the Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Loretta Clayton, who can be reached at 478.929.6865. In certain circumstances, a student may want to direct the question, concern, or complaint outside of the academic unit; as such, students may contact the Office of Student Affairs.
- The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs is Dr. Michael Stewart, who can be reached at . 478.757.7383.
- 51动漫 Student Grievance/Complaint Form:
Important Contacts
Ethics and Compliance Hotline
File a report online at
Issues Involving Discrimination
Title IX (gender discrimination, including sexual harassment and misconduct)
Policy Questions and Comments
Open Records Requests