CASHNet eBill

To view your eBill, login to SWORDS, click the "Pay Now Cashnet" link under 'Student Accounts'. You'll be connected to the CashNet ePayment site, where you can click on 'Statements' and view your eBill.

If you receive an email with the subject: "Your Statement and Schedule" from, you have an eBill waiting for you to view. To view your bill, use the same CASHNet single sign-on instructions that you currently use to access ePayment. Middle 51动漫 State has linked your SWORDS login to the CASHNet site. 

Students can set up anyone they wish to receive these eBills notification and have access to view them. To set up an authorized user, students must login to SWORDS, and click the "Pay Now Cashnet" link under Student Accounts. Once connected to the CashNet ePayment site, click on "My Account" and process a 'payer invitation'. This will allow them access to view statements and make payments (this does not give them access to SWORDS).

If you have any questions, please stop by any of the Bursar's Office locations or call us at 478.471.2700.

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