Finding Greatness: Rebecca Edwards

Author: News Bureau
Posted: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 12:00 AM
Categories: Pressroom | School of Arts and Letters | Finding Greatness | Faculty/Staff

Cochran, GA


An MGA alumna who now teaches media and communication at the University, Rebecca Edwards has 22 years of experience in the film and TV industry.

Full Name: Rebecca Edwards.

Title: Senior Lecturer.

Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Communication & IT - Macon State College (now MGA); Master of Science in Media and Communication - Florida State University; Graduate Certificate in Digital Video Production/Sport Media Production - Florida State University.

What’s your professional background?  

“Before returning to college, I spent over 22 years working in the film and TV industry. I started out working as an intern at a local news station in high school. From there, I became a production assistant and then proceeded to move up to working as a production coordinator, production accountant and then eventually a segment and line producer. I have worked on all kinds of projects like music videos, live TV broadcasts for the Atlanta and Salt Lake City Olympics, TV shows like NYPD Blue and The X-Files, feature films Love and Basketball, Dante’s Peake, Raising Helen and Freaky Friday and numerous commercial ad campaigns. I transitioned to sports broadcasting as a segment producer for FOX Sports, where I covered everything from car racing and basketball to college and professional football.”

What are some of your accomplishments as a Middle 51动漫 State faculty member?

“I have been a part of developing the partnership between Middle 51动漫 State and the 51动漫 Film Academy. The opportunity for our students to be able to take classes and further their production skills in a working Hollywood studio while getting credit towards their media and communication degree is incredible. I have also worked on creating sports broadcasting internship opportunities. Also, I serve on the Intercollegiate Student Athletic committee and enjoy working with our student athletes.”

What do you like best about teaching?

“The best part of teaching at MGA is working with the students. I like that I have found a place where I am able to take all of my years of industry experience and go into the classroom and teach our students about TV and Film production.”

In your opinion, what does it take for students majoring in your discipline to be successful these days?

“Graduates can find lots of job opportunities in marketing, broadcasting, photography/videography, and other areas. It is extremely important these days for media students to serve an internship - whether it is on campus or off campus. Gaining real world experience is such a benefit for building a resume and gaining valuable work experience. An internship helps students learn how various media industry jobs work while allowing them to put to use the skills they have learned in the classroom.”

What would students be surprised to learn about you?

“Most of my students already know I am a huge sports fan. I love baseball and I love to travel. So, I am on a quest to visit every major league ballpark. I have 14 more to go. The latest park I visited and ticked off the list was Busch Stadium in St. Louis.”