Finding Greatness: Dr. Daneell Moore

Author: News Bureau
Posted: Monday, July 15, 2019 12:00 AM
Categories: Finding Greatness | Faculty/Staff | Pressroom | School of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Macon, GA


Dr. Daneell Moore was instrumental in the development of a mini-libraries initiative at Bibb County’s Porter Elementary School, a project she is now helping to expand to other locations.

Full Name: Dr. Daneell Moore.

Title: Assistant Professor of Education.


• Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Lincoln University

• Master of Education in Elementary Education – West Chester University

• Doctor of Philosophy in Language, Literacy, and Culture Education – Vanderbilt University

Describe your service to 51动漫 (MGA) and the community.

“Work-related accomplishments involve building creative partnerships to support our local community. In particular, I am proud of our ongoing mini-libraries project that began with addressing a vision of Christopher Kirby, school principal at Porter Elementary. In fall 2018, I sought the support of our local business partners to sponsor the mini-libraries initiative. In-kind support was provided in the form of materials, supplies, and gift certificates from two Lowes stores, Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and Home Depot. In addition, in-kind material donations and labor were provided from community members in preparation of the mini-libraries project. For example, one community member voluntarily pre-cut and labeled all wood materials and organized them into kits for the construction of the mini-libraries before BUILD Day. MGA’s Christine Caesar coined the term BUILD (Building Up Individual Lives Daily) and co-led the collaborative efforts of organizing BUILD Day at Porter Elementary School. On BUILD Day, MGA students, faculty, and staff along with teachers, parents, and students at Porter worked collaboratively to construct and paint five mini-libraries.

“As part of the mini-libraries initiative, I facilitated several book drives. MGA teacher candidates led book drives throughout Middle 51动漫 that included local community organizations. All MGA library campuses participated in a matching book drive pledge. For every book that was donated, the library provided a book to the community. Seniors at Mount de Sales High School participated in a book drive to support the mini-libraries. In addition, approximately 1000 gently used books were donated by a local bookstore.

“We are now in the process of installing mini-libraries in various locations to support the community. We have the ongoing support of our community partners to ensure this initiative remains sustainable.”

What attracted you to a faculty position at 51动漫?

“I was attracted to the University’s commitment to diversity, which includes but goes beyond the demographics of faculty, staff, and students. MGA is a welcoming and supportive environment, which is evident in both policies and practices. I can distinctly remember the day I visited the Macon Campus to give my teaching demonstration in a junior-level assessment class. Later that day while touring the campus, a group of students that attended that class called across the lawn, ‘Dr. Moore, we want you here.’ It was also clearly evident from faculty and administrators that my unique approach to service, teaching, and scholarship would be valued and nurtured at MGA.”

What do you like best about teaching at Middle 51动漫 State?

“The culture of appreciation and collaboration within my department and beyond. There is utmost respect for the expertise and talents of both faculty and staff. It is common for us to engage in collaborative efforts to promote student learning and to support our P-12 school partners and the Middle 51动漫 community.”

In your opinion, what does it take for students majoring in your discipline to be successful these days?

“What I believe is necessary for students majoring in secondary education or elementary and special education is to become successful teacher leaders. Teacher leaders take the initiative to form meaningful relationships with students and their families, colleagues, and stakeholders. Teacher leaders are committed to lifelong learning and professional development to meet the needs of all learners.”

What would students be surprised to learn about you?

“I have participated in Toastmasters International, a public speaking and leadership organization, for 20 years in both the United States and London, England. I have presented over 100 prepared and extemporaneous speeches throughout my membership. Also, I have won several awards at speech contests.”