Email Signature Builder

All email from University faculty and staff using should reflect the 51动漫 visual brand and be consistent with the University’s visual identity guidelines. Email signatures should only include the sender’s name; professional designation(s); title; school, department, division, or office; contact information; the University name and logo; and any confidentiality notice created by the school, department, division, or office as appropriate. Signature formats can be found below.


  1. Fill in the form fields that you’d like to include in your signature. A preview of your signature will be built as you type.

  2. Click the select button for the format option you’d like to use. The signature content will be highlighted.

  3. Copy the signature that was just highlighted:

    Windows: Press Ctrl+C
    Mac: Press ⌘+C
    Or in your browser: Click Edit in the toolbar, then Copy

  4. Paste it into your email program of choice:

    Windows: Press Ctrl+V
    Mac: Press ⌘+V


Pick an Image

HTML Signature - For New Message

Select HTML Signature

Plain Text Signature - For Replies

Select Plain Text Signature