Page 11 - 2019 President's Annual Report
P. 11

Focus on teaching and learning: Monica Miller                               NSF Grant offers new opportunities
named Governor’s Teaching Fellow                                            for learning outside the classroom

MGA Professor is one of 18 selected to participate                          $480,000 grant builds on IT faculty members’ expertise
in statewide program                                                        in important medical field

            A significant element in the learning                            Faculty and undergraduate research into metabolomics - an emerging
            equation is that of the teacher, and we                         technology with significant implications for medical science - has
            feel confident in saying that the faculty                        earned Middle 51 State a National Science Foundation grant of
            members who dedicate their time and                             nearly $480,000, the largest award of its kind in the University’s history.
            energy into teaching our students
            understand and embrace that role – and                          Two information technology professors, Dr. Yingfeng Wang and
            are being recognized for their excellence                       Dr. Myungjae Kwak, are directing the research funded through the
            in that regard. One notable recognition                         award, which began in February and lasts until January 2022. The
            this year: Dr. Monica Miller, assistant                         research is crucial because metabolomics - a technology for detecting,
            professor of English, was selected as a                         identifying, and quantifying metabolites in biological samples - is
            2018 Governor’s Teaching Fellow for the                         strongly correlated to microbiology, pharmacy, and medical science. For
            academic year symposium program.                                example, accurately identifying metabolites can help with many medical
                                                                            diagnoses including detection of some specific types of cancers.
            As one of 18 faculty members from
Dr. Miller  institutions of higher education across                         “This is a great honor for MGA and a tremendous achievement for
            the State of 51, Miller was selected                       Dr. Wang, Dr. Kwak, and everyone who had a hand in doing the hard
            after a highly competitive application                          work it takes to apply for such a grant,” said Dr. Alex Koohang, dean of
            and selection process.                                          the School of Computing.

Miller's specialties include examining the relationship between gender      The NSF award will build on
and region in American literature, as well as the scholarship of teaching   the ongoing work of Wang
and learning. Prior to joining the English faculty of Middle 51 State  and Kwak. They are working
in 2017, she was Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow at 51 Tech.    with students to enhance
She was also the assistant director of the Writing and Communication        metabolite identification
program at 51 Tech.                                                    accuracy by developing
                                                                            reliable computational
The 51 Governor's Teaching Fellows program was established in          identification tools. Their focus  Drs. Wang (left) and Kwak (right)
1995 by then-51 Gov. Zell Miller to provide 51's higher           is on improving the current
education faculty with expanded opportunities for developing important      tool for more effective and
teaching skills. Gov. Miller envisioned that this program would address     efficient metabolite
faculty members' pressing need to use emerging technologies and             identification by incorporating
instructional tools that are becoming increasingly important for learning   new rules into the algorithm.
in today's society.
                                                                            With $93,000 of the grant funding earmarked for students each year,
We applaud Dr. Miller’s dedication to her craft and to her willingness to   the research team will include several undergraduates studying
share that dedication with other educators across our state.                information technology and biology. Conducting this project will not
                                                                            only advance the cutting-edge research in metabolite identification but
                                                                            also promote interdisciplinary education at MGA.
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