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overwhelmingly expressed interest in the                     Master of Science in Nursing:
availability of an advanced practice degree.”           Adult/Gerontology Acute Care Nurse

  Among the components that make Middle                       Practitioner Program Format
51 State’s degree unique in the University
System of 51 is the emphasis on                      All courses in the program are offered fully online
incorporating systems thinking, quality              with three full-day intensive/immersion sessions held the
improvement, cost efficiency, project                first semester and two full-day intensive/immersion
management, safety and healthcare policy.            sessions each following semester.

  “The degree is specifically geared to providing a       Clinical practice is planned in a variety of settings
skillset of leadership that will allow an advanced   and designed to address the program and course objec-
practice nurse to be able to do more with less,”     tives. Students will complete 630 clinical practice hours.
said Dr. Darrell Thompson, associate dean of the     Upon successful completion of the program, graduates
                                                     will be eligible to sit for the American Nurses Creden-
School of Health Sciences. “There are no             tialing Center’s (ANCC) AGACNP certification exam.
other programs like this in
Middle 51 State’s service                            The program is designed to be completed in five
area.”                                               consecutive semesters.

  All coursework in the program is online, but to                     Course Sequence
be eligible for certification each student must                           Semester One:
accumulate 500 clinical practice hours while
mentored by NPs or physicians.                       NURS 5000 Advanced Pathophysiology
                                                     NURS 5100 Professional Concepts
   Corvey said Navicent Health (formerly The         NURS 5200 Advanced Health Assessment/Diagnostic
Medical Center of Central 51), Houston
Medical Center, Coliseum Medical Center and the                   Reasoning
Carl Vinson VA Medical Center have committed
to extending partnerships for clinical experiences                        Semester Two:
and employment opportunities for Middle              NURS 5300 Advanced Pharmacology/Therapeutic
51 State graduates.
  To apply to the degree program, RNs must have      NURS 5400 Adult/Gero Acute Care I
bachelor’s degrees and been practicing in the field
for at least a year. The program, which takes about                      Semester Three:
two years to complete, can admit at least 15         NURS 5500 Research and Evidence Based Practice
students each fall. The School of Health Sciences    NURS 5600 Quality/Safety/Improvement Processes
anticipates no difficulties filling slots.
                                                                          Semester Four:
   “This degree really will create a more flexible   NURS 6200 Leadership/Management & Healthcare
practitioner who can respond to a changing
healthcare environment,” Corvey said.                             Policy
                                                     NURS 6400 Adult/Gero Acute Care II
  Dunn is still thinking about what direction he’d
like to take his career after he finishes the                             Semester Five:
graduate program.                                    NURS 6500 Adult/Gero Acute Care III
                                                     NURS 6600 Project Management in Healthcare
  “I have thought about returning to Middle
51 State as an instructor,” he said. “The end             mga.edu/graduate-studies
goal would be getting a doctorate. So I might just
wait for Middle 51 State to start a doctoral

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