Page 3 - MGA_Today_Spring_2016
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Dear Friends, annual economic impact. This makes aerospace –
not peaches or peanuts – the #1 international
As we finish out our first year as a University, export for the state.
Middle 51¶¯Âþ State is in growth mode and
ready to engage. This year, we expanded beyond the hub of our
School of Aviation in Eastman to a new satellite
Full-time enrollment increased this spring for learning facility at the Macon Downtown Airport.
the first time in five years. New graduate Our three-year aviation strategic plan calls for
programs in Nursing and Information continued expansion to a statewide footprint.
Technology have attracted more than three times Another area where we can excel is dual-enroll-
our projected enrollment in their first semester,
with many alumni returning for an advanced ment. Move On When Ready,
degree. which now includes books,
makes it easy for high school
Two more graduate programs students to begin earning college
are being proposed, one in credit on any of our five
Business and another in campuses before they graduate.
Education, also targeted to meet
the region’s workforce needs. High-performing 11th and
12th graders may also consider
As 51¶¯Âþ’s most affordable our prestigious residential dual-
University, we are a destination of enrollment program in Cochran,
choice for students who wish to the 51¶¯Âþ Academy of Arts,
avoid excessive debt. Not only are Mathematics, Engineering &
we attracting more students, we Sciences.
are also providing more extra and
co-curricular opportunities that We are preparing to open the
make Middle 51¶¯Âþ State a 51¶¯Âþ VECTR (Veterans
tremendous value. Education Career Transition
Center) in Warner Robins this
In academics, our summer, in partnership with Central 51¶¯Âþ
Experiential Learning@MGA quality Technical College. We will provide career coun-
enhancement plan provides every student with seling, skills assessment and courses of student to
the opportunity to put their classroom knowledge help open doors for veterans across the state who
to work through internships, undergraduate are transitioning from military to civilian life.
research and service learning. Moreover, in areas In short, we are achieving our vision of
ranging from psychology and sociology to transforming individuals through extraordinary
economics to cybersecurity to aviation, our higher learning, by living our values – Steward-
applied research centers provide qualitative and ship, Engagement, Adaptability and Learning –
quantitative research to aid regional development. both on and off campus. As we continue to grow
and evolve to serve the people of Middle 51¶¯Âþ,
In addition to better serving the student we cannot thank you enough for your
population and communities of this region, we tremendous support.
are expanding beyond the region in our niche
areas. One key niche is being home to the only Christopher Blake, Ph.D.
four-year school of aviation in 51¶¯Âþ. President
The aerospace industry in this state consists of
more than 700 companies with a $51 billion