





Page 3 - MGA Today - Fall 2016
P. 3

Dear Friends,                                              place for a plurality of voices to be heard. We have
                                                           welcomed a new director of diversity, equity and
    In the previous issue of MGA Today, I spoke of the     inclusion to head up initiatives that encourage our
growth that Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State experienced during        students, faculty, and staff to be engaged citizens and to
our first year as a University, and of plans for           work towards greater unity in our communities.
continuing that growth. Now, in our second year
carrying the University banner, we can proudly say that        Recognizing that personal growth happens against
we have achieved some big successes. Both the MGA          the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, we continue
community and the Middle 51¶ŻÂţ region are already        to explore options for international study. We look
beginning to see the benefits of this progress:            forward to welcoming our first group of Early Child-

    Following spring’s enrollment increase, MGA saw                            hood Education majors from
steady enrollment rates for fall 2016,                                         Northampton University in the UK to
exceeding our goals and defying the                                            MGA in April, and expect to send our
national trend towards reduced                                                 first group of students to
enrollment. Moreover, this year’s                                              Northampton next fall.
incoming class boasted MGA’s
highest-ever average Freshman Index                                                     These successes are evidence
score – a combination of GPA and                                               of our “Greatness in the Making.”
SAT/ACT scores used in college                                                 Our continued growth, our expanded
admissions.                                                                    offerings in and out of the classroom,
                                                                               and the accomplishments and
    As we strengthen our undergrad-                                            achievements of our students, staff
uate admissions, our faculty and                                               and faculty all serve to illustrate our
Office of Graduate Studies have not                                            commitment to our shared values of
only launched two graduate                                                     Stewardship, Engagement, Adapt-
programs, but gained Board of                                                  ability and Learning.
Regents support for two more – a
Master of Arts in Teaching and a                                                        Yet, challenges remain for a
Master of Science in Management.                                               University that operates on far less
Upon our accrediting body’s approval, these programs       funding than our peers. In the face of these not-
will further improve our ability to meet the region’s      insignificant challenges, we know that we must be
demands for educators and business leaders.                creative. We must work smarter, not merely harder. And
                                                           we know that we can do it, because we are a community
    In August, we opened the 51¶ŻÂţ Veterans              made up of innovative, dedicated individuals.
Education Career Transition Resource (VECTR) Center            As our second year as Middle 51¶ŻÂţ State
to house a first-of-its-kind-in-the-nation partnership     University nears its midway point, we are committed to
between the state’s University and Technical College       continually increasing the ways in which we will serve
Systems. This newest location for MGA offers onsite        our region and beyond – not only by offering
coursework, career counseling, educational coaching        exceptional education, but also by engaging with the
and workforce training to help 51¶ŻÂţ’s military and      businesses and the governments and, above all, the
veteran population transition into the civilian            people who make up our communities.
workforce.                                                     As Helen Keller so aptly said, “Alone we can do so
                                                           little; together we can do so much.”
    Our growth in aviation and aerospace continues,
with more than 20 students now enrolled in flight                                         Christopher Blake, Ph.D.
courses at Macon Downtown Airport, and a strategic                                        President
plan in place to broaden this expansion across the state.

    With so much of the nation’s discourse focused on
issues of diversity, we continue to strive to provide a

Fall 2016                                                  MGA TODAY 3
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