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thinking of fast-food restaurants with high customer satisfaction, Chick-fil-A always comes to
mind. Chick-fil-A has increased satisfaction by improving menus and ordering options
(Timmermann, 2018). A security company looking to increase customer satisfaction should
continuously look for ways of improving service delivery options to customers.
To improve customer satisfaction, a security service is expected to provide customers
with high quality technology. Companies who are at the forefront of the industry utilize
technology to help them stay relevant in an ever-changing market. According to Figures 3 and 5,
companies should offer a cell phone application (iOS and Android) as well as home automation
to appeal to potential customers. Many respondents also indicated that they were not willing to
sacrifice technology to save money, reinforcing why technology is paramount in the industry as
shown in Figure 4. Companies have realized that a high level of technology is desired by
customers because it helps people ensure that their property remains safe when they are away.
Customers also expect security service providers to offer competitive pricing.
Competitive pricing strategically captures the important features in a security service by allowing
customers to view packages and services offered at different levels. Figures 4 and 5 indicate that
over half the respondents would be willing to spend more money to have the latest technology
options, and they are unwilling to sacrifice those options. The ability to exceed customer needs
and competitively price those services is key to attracting future customers.
And providers must offer high-quality services to keep customers satisfied and remain
competitive. The survey indicates that customers are willing to pay for a higher service quality
(Figure 7) and customers want a service provider to offer customer service 24/7 (Figure 8). If
security is on the line, customers’ expectations are that services need to be expedited. For a
service provider to improve service response times, continuous process improvement is a must.