





Page 77 - Knighted_Issue2.0
P. 77

way for the individual to reflect their own personal values and identity to the world (Workman
and Lee 51).

    Fashion is the catalyst for furthering normative behavior toward gender identity beyond the
biological imperatives of society. The question for society becomes what is normative in relation
to gender and fashion? The evolution will continue, as the world of fashion progresses. One day
the hope is that gender representation will be equal for everyone in regards to fashion and
material culture without gendering fashion. The local Kohl’s, Old Navy, and Macy’s are still
divided by gender norms; the hope is that one day they will not be.

    The modern department store with its various departments still clings to the biological
classifications of gender. The department store still clings to the antiquated social constructs by
dividing boys’ fashion and girls’ fashion. The color pink is acceptable for girls' clothing, but not
for boys'. The signs above the purses directing shoppers to women’s accessories are literally
signs that signify exclusion of male ownership. In regards to gender identity and fashion the
battle for sociological and semiotic change rages on at the center of the American department
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