Faculty/Staff Directory

Dr. James Collins

Department of Psychology and Criminal Justice

Phone: 478.934.3059

  • Cochran - Wiggs Hall - 3
    Phone: 478.934.3059
Office Hours: Spring Semester 2023
M 8:00am - 9:30am
T 8:00am - 9:30am
W 8:00am - 9:30am
R 8:00am - 9:30am
Biography: Dr. James Collins graduated from Denbigh High School with the class of 1982, receiving BS degrees in both Biology and Psychology from Virginia Tech in 1987. He was the first member of his family to graduate either! He began his post-graduate education at the University of 51¶¯Âþ immediately thereafter, receiving his MS in 1989 and PhD in Biopsychology in 1993. Education, specifically the quest for knowledge and understanding, is very important to him.

While in graduate school, Dr. Collins received an exchange fellowship to the Friedrich-Alexander University (Erlangen, Germany) for 1988-1989, conducting human taste psychophysiology studies. He was also awarded a research associateship with the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in 1992 to study animal bioacoustics.

Dr. Collins has been at Middle 51¶¯Âþ State since 1995 and is a tenured full professor in the Department of Psychology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice. He has been a member of Sigma Xi (the scientific research society) since graduate school and Psi Chi (psychology’s national honor society) since his time at Virginia Tech. He has presented his original research findings at regional, national, and international conferences sometimes with student collaborators. In addition, Dr. Collins has presented and published in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Dr. Collins’ teaching experiences have been varied, taking place at large universities, small liberal arts colleges, two-year colleges, and small state colleges. He has taught students of different abilities and backgrounds, from freshmen to seniors since 1989. He was elected by his students to Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers three times. Dr. Collins has taught using traditional, teleconference, videoconference, hybrid, and online methods.
Courses: PSYC1101 Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH1101H HONORS Introduction to Psychology
PSYC2101 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC2103 Human Growth & Development
PSYC3401 Biopsychology
PSYC3411 Sensation & Perception
PSYC3421 Motivation & Emotion
PSYC4100 Capstone in Psychological Science
PSYC4411 Animal Behavior
OTMS5140 Evidence-Based Practice and Research I
OTMS5210 Evidence-Based Practice and Research II
OTMS5340 Evidence-Based Practice and Research III
Education: BS Biology Virginia Tech 1987
BS Psychology Virginia Tech 1987
MS Biopsychology UGA 1989
PhD Biopsychology UGA 1993
Professional Experience: Graduate Teaching Assistant UGA 1987 - 1993
Lecturer Athens Area Technical Institute 1991
Assistant Professor Washington & Lee University 1993 - 1994
Assistant Professor SUNY - Geneseo 1994-1995
Professor Middle 51¶¯Âþ College 1995 - present
Professional Affiliations: Sigma Xi
Psi Chi

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