Microsoft Imagine Software Center
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching is also known as:
- DreamSpark
- e-Academy
- Academic Alliance
- e5
- Microsoft Imagine
Microsoft Software
Microsoft now has available for anyone to self-register for using an .edu email address. All Microsoft software is now available from the link above. The videos below can help you navigate the interface to find the software needed for your courses.
- - Navigating Azure Interface
- - Finding Software in Azure Interface
Using ISO Images from Microsoft Imagine
Some software on Microsoft Imagine is provided in the form of an ISO disk image. An ISO is an archive file of an optical disk (CD/DVD). There are two options for accessing the contents of an ISO: Burning to a CD/DVD and extracting the contents with archiving software.
Burning to a CD
This may be the easiest method. It's necessary for installing the Windows operating system. However, it must be burned as an image, and not as data. This is important. This capability is built into Windows 7 or later; for earlier versions, there is free software such as Active ISO Burner for this task. Upon burning the disk, the installation process should begin automatically when the disk is re-inserted in the tray. If not, open the folder contents and open a file called “setup.msi” or “setup.exe.”
Extracting the contents
Some software, such as 7-Zip, will treat an ISO as an ordinary archive. The files can be extracted to a temporary folder on your hard drive. Once this is done, the installation process can be started by opening the “setup” file in the temporary folder.
External links
- Active ISO Burner:
- 7-Zip: