
Welcome to the Trip Estimator Tool! The purpose of this tool is to provide a realistic estimate of vehicle expenses for an MGA upcoming trip. The estimator should be used when MGA fleet vehicles are going to be requested for business-related trips. In order to properly fill out the tool, please review the following instructions:

Vehicle: Please choose which vehicle you plan to request for your trip. If you are approved for a different vehicle than requested, a new estimate should be calculated.

Estimated Trip Miles: Please estimate how many round trip miles will be completed during your trip. All vehicle expenses are based on total trip mileage and current fuel price per gallon.

Estimated Driver Hours: Only fill this out if you are requesting a shuttle for your trip, which requires a specialized driver. If a van or car is requested, please enter 0 in this field.

Estimated Misc Cost: Please add any other costs you might incur on your trip, such as driver hotel expenses, per diem etc.). If you have none, please enter 0 in this field.

After these fields are complete, please click GET ESTIMATE to calculate your Driver Cost (if applicable), Vehicle Cost and Total Cost.

Click HERE to view pictures of vehicles
