DEGREE CODE|DEGREE DESCRIPTION| AA|Associate of Arts| AACC|Associate of Arts| AAS|Associate of Applied Science| AASA|AAS in Accounting| AASAMT|AAS in Aviation Mainten. Tech.| AASAST|AAS in Aircraft Struct. Tech.| AASAT|AAS in Avionics Technology| AASATM|AAS in Air Traffic Management| AASAVN|AAS in Avionics Technology| AASBC|AAS in Business| AASBIS|AAS in Busi Info Systems| AASBM|AAS in Business Management| AASCH|AAS in Health| AASCJ|AAS in Criminal Justice| AASCJS|AAS in Crim Justice Studies| AASDP|AAS in Data Processing| AASFM|AAS in Fashion Merchandising| AASFRH|AAS in Flight Tech: Rotorcraft| AASFSA|AAS in Fire Service Admin.| AASFTA|AAS in Flight Tech: Airplane| AASGB|AAS in General Business| AASHC|AAS in Health| AASHS|AAS in Health Science| AASLS|AAS in Legal Secretarial| AASLT|AAS in Library Technology| AASMGT|AAS in Management| AASMS|AAS in Medical Secretarial| AASOAI|AAS in Off. Admin. & Info.| AASPA|AAS in Public Administration| AASPM|AAS in Public Management| AASRM|AAS in Retail Merchandising| AASSC|AAS in Services| AASST|AAS in Surveying Technology| AASTC|AAS in Technology| ABA|Associate in Bus.Adminstration| ABACC|Assoc. in Bus. Adm. Core Curri| AS|Associate of Science| ASC|Associate of Science| ASCC|Associate of Science| ASDH|A.S. in Dental Hygiene| ASHD|A.S. in Dental Hygiene| ASHIT|A.S. in Health Info. Tech.| ASN|A.S. in Nursing| ASOTA|AS in Occ. Therapy Asst| ASPTA|Assoc of Science/Physical Ther| ASRT|A.S. in Respiratory Therapy| BA|Bachelor of Arts| BACHEL|Bachelor's Degree| BAIS|B.A. in Interdisciplinary Study| BANMC|B.A. in New Media & Communicat| BAS|Bachelor of Applied Science| BASFM|Bachelor of App Science Flight| BASTM|BAS in Technical Management| BBA|Bachelor of Business Admin.| BMUS|Bachelor of Music| BS|Bachelor of Science| BSAAM|BS in Aviation Science & Mgmt.| BSAM|Bachelor of Science in AVM| BSBA|B.S. in Business Admin| BSBIT|B.S. in Bus. & Info. Technology| BSCIT|B.S. in Communication & Info T| BSCJ|Bachelor of Science Crim Just| BSED|B.S. in Education| BSEE|B.S. in Electrical Engineering| BSHIM|B.S. in Health Info. Mgmt.| BSHSA|B.S. in Health Serv. Admin.| BSIS|B.S. in Interdisciplinary Study| BSIT|B.S. in Information Technology| BSN|B.S. In Nursing| BSNC|B.S. in Nursing Completion| BSNMC|B.S. in New Media & Communicat| BSPS|B.S. in Public Service| BSRT|B.S. in Respiratory Therapy| BSSE|B.S. in Secondary Education| BSSPM|B.S. in Sports Management| BSW|Bachelor of Social Work| CER0|Less than 1 year Certificate| CER1|One Year Certificate| CER2|Two Year Certificate| CERG|Cert - Graduate| CERM|Cert - Post Masters| CERT|Certificate Program| CERTP|Cert - Less than 1 yr.| CONV|PRE-BANNER DATA CONVERSION| DBA|Doctor of Business Admin.| DDS|Doctor of Dental Surgery| DIPL|Diploma| DMA|Doctor of Musical Arts| DMD|Doctor of Dental Medicine| DPM|Doctor of Podiatric Medicine| DSC|Doctor of Science| EDD|Doctor of Education| EDS|Education Specialist| JD|Juris Doctorate| LLM|Master of Law| MA|Master of Arts| MACC|Master of Accounting| MAT|Master of Art in Teaching| MATSED|Master of Arts in Teach Sec Ed| MBA|Master of Business Admin.| MCS|Master of Computer Science| MD|Doctor of Medicine| MDIV|Master of Divinity| MED|Master of Education| MFA|Master of Fine Arts| MHI|Master of Health Information| MIT|Master of Info. Technology| MLS|Master of Library Science| MM|Master of Music| MMIS|Master of Mgmt. Info Systems| MN|Master of Nursing| MPA|Master of Public Admin.| MS|Master of Science| MSA|Master of Science in Admin.| MSC|MSC Consolidation| MSED|Master of Science in Education| MSIT|Master of Science in Info Tech| MSLS|Master of Sci in Library Sci| MSM|Master of Sci in Management| MSN|Master of Science in Nursing| MSSA|Master of Sci in Social Admin.| NONDEG|Degree Not Received| NTCA|No Transfer Credit Accepted| PHD|Doctor of Philosophy| SCTC|Specialized Cert & Training|