Using My Degree

MyDegree is a web-based student degree audit program designed to help students track their degree progress, to help prepare for registration, and to help plan for graduation. MyDegree is designed to aid the registration process, but does not replace face-to-face advising.


  • Determines what requirements students need to fulfill in order to complete their degree
  • Reduces time to graduation and student debt by knowing what classes to take and when
  • Identifies requirement completion for general education, major, minor and concentration area
  • Allows students to see how coursework could be applied toward another major, minor, certificate, or concentration using the “What If” tool
  • Allows the advisor and advisee to make a long-term plan for degree completion and verify that the courses included on the plan will fulfill the degree requirements using the Planner function
  • Helps advisee plan for registration for upcoming semesters


If a student needs to change their major, declare a second major, a concentration, minor, or a host of other activities that would change their degree requirements, the “What If” tool will allow the student to see exactly how their earned college credits apply to a MGA degree program. This often will help a student in making a decision regarding their career path and what degree will work best to achieve their goals. Students log into MyDegree through .

  1. Click the “What If” tab located below the "Worksheets" tab
  2. Select a degree.
  3. Select the catalog year that matches the year you plan on starting that major, minor and/or concentration.
  4. Select additional majors, minors and/or concentrations.
  5. Click "Process What If"
  6. Notice how your current courses would fulfill the requirements of this major.
  7. Decide if you would like to change or add an additional major. 

The Planner helps you create a long-term plan for graduation. You can then check that plan to make sure that the courses you take will fulfill your major requirements. The Planner helps you stay on track for graduation.

How to Create a Plan

Step 1: Get to the Planner

  • Login to
  • Go to MyDegree (Student Tab, My Records, MyDegree [on the left under “Degree Progress & Graduation]
  • Go to the “Planner” tab (near the top, under your name)
  • Give the Plan a name in the Description box (on the right, will be “Student”, “Current Term”, then the “Description” box)

Step 2: Add Classes to the Plan

  • Select the correct term for each semester in the “Select Term box
  • Add a course to the Plan -you can
    • Drag and Drop from the worksheet on the left to the correct semester on the right in the Plan
    • Type the class
    • Type a comment using the wild card (“:”)[EX: :Science w/lab]
  • You can drag and drop to rearrange after they have been put onto the plan

Step 3: See if all required classes are on your plan

  • On the bottom right of the screen, select the “Check All Terms” button
  • In that same area, select the “Process New” button
  • Look back at the left side of the screen at the Planner Worksheet –classes that you have not yet taken that are on your plan will have the word “PLAN” and the semester in which it is on the plan (in blue) next to the class. So those classes not yet taken, and not on the plan will NOT have the blue “PLAN” and you will know you are missing the class on your Plan.

Step 4: Print Plan

  • Change to the “Edit” mode (At the top middle click the “Edit” radio button and then hit the “Load” button)
  • In the very top yellow header section (FAQ, Help, Print, Log Out) choose “Print”
  • It should default to printing to a PDF (if not change it to that)
  • Choose a location and name for the file that will be created

GPA Calculator
The GPA calculator allows the prediction of a student’s grade point average based on the anticipated grades in the current semester. It can also present various options for raising the grade point average to a specific level.

There are three (3) different types of GPA calculators available

  1. Graduation, which determines what is needed to reach the desired GPA when graduating
  2. Term, which allows students to set goals for specific classes in the current term
  3. Advice, which shows how many credits of a certain grade are required for a student to reach their desired GPA.